The drinks are on me!
"We would like to formally apologise to Roger's two sons, Sam and Jack for taking away some of their inheritance. We spent most of it on beer, the rest we wasted."
Just to show that wills are not always completely surrounded by sadness, one Welshman left a brilliant legacy in his will. Roger Brown passed away in 2013 a left a legacy of £3,500 to seven of his drinking pals on the condition that they spend it on a weekend away in a European city.
He had been a regular at a local public house, the Vivian Arms and it was here that he built close friendships with the seven guys. The surprised seven decided on Berlin as their destination and it sounded as if they did Roger proud. Mr Rees, one of the seven gave a tongue in cheek apology to Mr Brown's children: "We would like to formally apologise to Roger's two sons, Sam and Jack for taking away some of their inheritance. We spent most of it on beer, the rest we wasted."
What a fantastic way for your friends to toast your memory!
Full report here