Information Centre
I provide the best advice possible to all my clients. Here are my answers to the most commonly asked questions from my clients.
For specific advice for you and your family, contact me for a free home visit.
How do I set up Lasting Powers of Attorney I discuss the two options - doing it yourself or getting a professional to do it for you.
What does the 12 week property disregard mean? A summary of the 12 week property disregard
I have a Will, so why do I need an LPA? Why a Will can NOT do the job of an LPA, in any way.
Can you sell a house for someone else by using a Lasting Power of Attorney? An LPA is so powerful, it could even be used to sell a house
Do I need an LPA if I have an EPA? What are EPAs? How does it differ from an LPA? Do you need both?
Do I need to register my LPA? So you have your signed Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA), but do you need to do anything else?
Do I have to pay for each attorney in my LPA? How are fees calculated when setting up your LPA? Do I need to limit how many Attorneys I appoint to save on money?
How long does it take to set up an LPA? What is the typical waiting time? Can I have an LPA set up in a week?
How much does it cost to do Probate? People can get quite confused by what Probate actually is and even more confused by how much it all costs
How much does it cost to register an LPA? People often find LPA costs confusing, How much does it actually cost to register an LPA?
What are the different ways in which I can appoint Attorneys? If you are appointing more than one Attorney in your LPA, you need to decide how they will act in conjunction with each other.
What happens if my partner remarries after I die? One of the biggest worries a couple has is if one passes away, the other goes on to meet someone else. What happens then to their assets, will they go to the kids still?
What is the difference between EPAs & LPAs? Enduring Powers of Attorney and Lasting Powers of Attorney are often mixed up, but what is the difference between them?
When is the right time to take out an LPA? "I'll get this sorted when I need it". The problem with LPAs is that people think there is always an obvious time to take them out...
What does tenants in common mean in a will?
Should I use a Solicitor or Will Writer?
Should I sign the house over to my kids?
Do I have to pay Inheritance tax (IHT)?
How long does probate take?
Should I have a will or a trust?